
I am currently running a dockerized shinyproxy setup on aws with a couple of shiny apps served to in-house users. This is part of a larger setup with other analytical pipelines running as batch jobs on aws. The batch pipelines are docker containers themself and are versioned with docker tags for reproducibility, quick update and rollbacks in case of hiccups. This however does not work in a similar way for the shinyproxy server. Hence I setup a watchtower daemon that checks regularly whether a new image of the container in question is available at the repository and if so, pulls and restarts it.

Some more details

Watchtower is described on the github page as ‘A process for automating Docker container base image updates’. Generally, watchtower will check and update all running or exited containers, not plain images. Watchtower comes as docker image itself and works without much config when using public repositories. However, for using AWS, some more configuration and setup is needed. This blogpost with sum up what’s needed for that.


  1. Generate Volume that contains credential helper
    • Create Dockerfile to build ECR credential helper
     FROM golang:latest
     RUN go env -w GO111MODULE=off
     RUN go get -u $REPO
     RUN rm /go/bin/docker-credential-ecr-login
     RUN go build -o /go/bin/docker-credential-ecr-login /go/src/$REPO
     WORKDIR /go/bin/
    • build image
      docker build -t aws-ecr-dock-cred-helper .
    • create docker volume for helper
      docker volume create helper
    • run docker container to place ECR credential helper in Docker Volume docker run -d --rm --name aws-cred-helper --volume helper:/go/bin aws-ecr-dock-cred-helper
  2. Create Json configuration file for Docker (as ~/.docker/config.json)

         "auths" : {
         "<AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>" : {}
         "credsStore" : "ecr-login",
         "credHelpers" : {
         "<AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>" : "ecr-login"
  3. Install ecr credential helper also in host machine apt install amazon-ecr-credential-helper

  4. Create docker-compose file

     version: "3.4"
     # Check for new images and restart things if a new image exists
     # for any of our containers.
             image: containrrr/watchtower:latest
                 - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
                 - /home/ubuntu/.docker/config.json:/config.json
                 - helper:/go/bin
             - HOME=/
             - PATH=$PATH:/go/bin
             - AWS_REGION=ap-southeast-1
             - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=key_id
             - AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=secret_access_key
         command: --interval 30 --include-stopped
         external: true
  5. Start service
    docker-compose up -d

Code snippets are taken from the watchtower doc section about private registries.