Background Elixir Beacon is a bioinformatics microservice which allows to query a genome variant-calling dataset for the absence or presence of a specific variant. Such a service is of interest as it can provide anonymized information from sensitive datasets. Beacon is also part and has been chosen as a driver project of the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health.

Cloning, importing… The project repository is available on the github. I use currently IntelliJ as IDE with Spring plugin. In IntelliJ, first project import is selected. Beacon uses Maven as build system. It is split into a core module and an application specific implementation module. Further, also a test module. On the Project Import screen, the option for recursive project file search should be activated, then all three modules are found and imported.

With the Spring Plug-in for installed, IntelliJ will automatically recognize the projects as such and setup the build and run configuration accordingly.

The project repository is available on the github. I use currently IntelliJ as IDE with Spring plugin. In IntelliJ project import is selected. The pom there are multiple pom files, hence the the option for recursive project file search should be activated.

Providing the Database The main task to get the setup running is to provide the database. The easiest case is to use the dockerized PostgreSQL setup provided by within the Beacon Elixir UI repository.